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Sustainability-linked bonds: On the up

It didn’t take long for sustainability-linked bonds to explode following their emergence in 2019, but a surge in adoption gave way to concerns over weak targets, toothless penalties and greenwashing…

Brazil: Betting Big on Carbon

Brazil is creating what could be the first – and biggest – carbon credit market in Latin America. Progress, however, has been slow and the challenges large, from including the…


Rethinking growth

Achieving sustainable growth demands urgent action on productivity, social inclusion, governance and environmental policies, writes OECD Secretary General Mathias Cormann


Five Good Reasons to Ride the “Wave” of Blue Bonds

Climate change causes sea temperature increases, ocean acidification, and rising sea levels. These changes impact marine ecosystems, causing coral bleaching, habitat destruction, and altered migratory patterns. They also impact food production and supply chains. Blue bonds are a subcategory of green bonds. They are intended to finance projects that contribute to the blue economy, conserve…

Bioeconomy: Business with a Focus on the Planet

The term bioeconomy has gained prominence in recent years. It refers to focusing on sustainability throughout the entire business chain, by using renewable biological resources, such as plants, animals, microorganisms, and biomass, to sustainably produce food, materials, chemicals, energy, and other goods and services. But what does this mean for the Amazon? The Amazon, known…

Seven Factors that Make Inclusion a Winning Strategy for Business

Inclusion and environmental sustainability are fundamental pillars for developing and managing business projects. The intersection of these concepts seeks to create more equitable environments and ensure that projects have a positive and lasting impact on communities.  Businesses, the economy, and the world win when inclusion and sustainability policies intertwine with project management, and there is…

Impact Investments: Building a Better World Makes Business Sense

Unlike traditional investments, which focus solely on economic profitability, impact investments offer a unique proposition. They aim to make profits while striving to contribute to the planet’s well-being and its inhabitants. It is essential to highlight that all funds and investors that manage these instruments have fiduciary obligations to their clients (pensioners, for example) to…